KOK CHAIN Official
1 min readDec 29, 2020

Global companies around the world employ a variety of marketing strategies. There is visual marketing, fragrance marketing, and audio marketing using auditory stimulation.

A ‘Jingle’ is a short 1–2 second easy to remember catchy melody designed to imprint the catchy notes with the intended brand or logo.

The typical effect of jingle sound marketing is that even if you hear a T-Ring called ‘Ding-T-Ring’, the association to SKT is immediate. Same with Intel’s jingle that helped them occupy 80% of the global chip market, and Unilever increased its brand awareness with their unique sound resulting in a 30% increase in sales.

As such, KOK CHAIN has come up with our very own jingle to help the KOK Platform name reach as many people as possible.


Individuals can use it free of charge for non-commercial use. However, companies, organizations, institutions, etc., require a separate contract even if they are used for non-profit. Even within the scope of use, embedding or secondary modification is strongly prohibited. If it is difficult to judge the legality of usage, please inquire with The KOK Foundation.

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KOK CHAIN Official

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